Lo Shu Grid Meaning Calculation Prediction Missing Repetitive Numbers Planes Raj Yog


In Numerology, the Lo Shu Grid is also known as Numeroscope. The magic square has a power of numbers that certainly impacts your life and its areas from education to love life, it is analyzed from the date of birth.

In the three rows and three columns of the Lo Shu Grid, 1 to 9 numbers are arranged. The Placement of the numbers is such that when any three numbers are added together horizontally, vertically or diagonally the result will be 15.

Astro Occults - Lo Shu Grid Meaning Calculation Prediction Missing Repetitive Numbers Planes Raj Yog

This Lo Shu Grid Must be Chart is must be taken into consideration while making Numeroscope.

Creating a Lo Shu Grid, which is a tool used in numerology to analyze and interpret numbers related to a person's birth date, involves the following steps:

Steps to Create a Lo Shu Grid

1. Determine the Birth Date: Write down the full birth date in the format of DD/MM/YYYY.

2. Break Down the Birth Date: Separate the birth date into individual digits. For example, if the birth date is 15/08/1984, the digits would be 1, 5, 0, 8, 1, 9, 8, and 4.

3. Create the Grid Layout: Draw a 3x3 grid. This grid will have nine cells arranged in three rows and three columns.

4. Assign the Digits to the Grid: The Lo Shu Grid corresponds to the numbers 1 to 9, placed in a specific pattern:

   - 4 | 9 | 2
   - 3 | 5 | 7
   - 8 | 1 | 6
5. Fill in the Grid: Place the digits from the birth date into the corresponding cells of the grid based on the Lo Shu pattern. Each number from the birth date is placed in the cell that matches its value.

Example: Birth Date 15/08/1984
Digits: 1, 5, 0, 8, 1, 9, 8, 4

Grid Layout:
4 | 9 | 2
3 | 5 | 7
8 | 1 | 6

Filling the Grid
- 1 appears twice: Place two 1s in the cell corresponding to 1.
- 5 appears once: Place one 5 in the cell corresponding to 5.
- 0 does not appear in the Lo Shu Grid.
- 8 appears twice: Place two 8s in the cell corresponding to 8.
- 9 appears once: Place one 9 in the cell corresponding to 9.
- 4 appears once: Place one 4 in the cell corresponding to 4.

Completed Lo Shu Grid:
4 | 9 | 2
3 | 5 | 7
88 | 11 | 6
0Missing Numbers: Missing numbers indicate areas of life that may require more focus or development.

Repetitive Numbers: Repeated numbers amplify the traits associated with those numbers.

Would you like a detailed interpretation of a specific birth date or more information on how to use the Lo Shu Grid for analysis?

We will discuss further in more details in our upcoming posts Under Tag Lo Shu Grid.

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