Direction Placement of Locker Face as per Vastu at Home


Astro Occults - In Vastu Shastra, the placement of a cash locker or tijori (safe) is crucial for financial stability and prosperity. Here are the guidelines for the optimal direction and placement of a cash locker or tijori according to Vastu Shastra:

Astro Occults - Direction Placement of Locker Face as per Vastu at Home East West North South

Direction and Placement for Cash Locker or Tijori:

1. South-West Corner (Nairuthi):

   - Ideal Placement: The south-west corner of the room or house is considered the best place for a cash locker or tijori. This direction is ruled by the deity of wealth and stability.
   - Opening Direction: The locker should open towards the north or east direction. This ensures that when you open the locker, it faces the north or east, inviting positive energy and prosperity.

2. North Direction:

   - Secondary Placement: If placing the locker in the south-west is not possible, the next best direction is the north, which is ruled by Lord Kuber, the god of wealth.
   - Opening Direction: The locker should open towards the north to align with the direction of wealth and prosperity.

Additional Tips:

- Avoid the North-East Direction: Do not place the cash locker in the north-east corner of the house. This area is associated with the water element and should be kept light and open to ensure good health and harmony.
- Avoid the South-East Direction: The south-east direction is associated with the fire element and placing a cash locker here can lead to financial instability and losses.

- Stable and Solid Wall: Ensure the locker is placed against a solid and stable wall, preferably in the south or west direction of the room. This provides a sense of security and stability.

- Clean and Clutter-Free Area: Keep the area around the locker clean and clutter-free. Avoid placing any heavy items or unused materials around the locker to ensure a free flow of positive energy.

- Level and Height: Place the locker on a level platform, ensuring it is not directly on the floor. The height of the platform should be such that the locker is easily accessible and convenient to use.

By following these Vastu guidelines, you can enhance the flow of positive energy and ensure financial stability and prosperity in your home or business.

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